Name - Corianna Lanie Grayson​
Age - Nineteen. (July 1st, 1997)
Height - Five feet, eight inches
Hair - Brown
Eyes - Green
Species - Werewolf (Black)
Scent - Honey and Cinnamon
Occupation - Student, Thief
Family -
- Allyndra (sister),
- David, Jr. (brother, deceased),
- David (father, deceased),
- Annie (mother, deceased).
Picture Base - Phoebe Tonkin
Nickname - Cori
Place of Birth - Nexus
Favorites -
- Smell : French Fries
- Sound : Thunder
- Sight : Waterfalls
- Touch : Wet Skin
- Taste : Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Color : Pink
Distinguishing Features or Quirks -
- Seven inch scar, mid-back.
- Always has Hot Tamales candies.
- Hates balloons.
Wolf Characteristics -
- Black fur.
- 36" tall x 66" long, 127 lbs.
- Yellow-green eyes.
Corianna is definitely the bigger trouble maker of the sisters, as she doesn't bother with a filter for the most part - she says what comes to mind, and generally does as she pleases. Despite this seemingly selfish behavior, she's very loyal and protective, particularly over her sister Allyndra. She's got a bad habit of thievery, either in the form of burglary or pick pocketing, and might just do it out of spite against some people... others, she uses it as a means to get to know them better. She's got emotional walls a mile high, and a chip on her shoulder just as long.
While her sister wasn't present when her family died, Corianna was given a front-and-center chair in the audience... this is the chief reason for her behavior. If you keep others at arms length, they can neither hurt you, nor become a weakness to be used against you. Other than the devastating memories from that night, she was also given a knife wound via a silver blade on her back - as if they hadn't done enough.